Sunday, January 16, 2011


Last Sunday, we had three guests from Good Shepherd visit us. We had good conversation, enjoyed a game of Quiddler, and generally had a good time. When supper time came, the power went down. Mo had made a couple of salads, and we had cheese and crackers, and we had enough wine in us so nobody missed the fact that we couldn’t prepare any meat for the meal. Power was restored about the time they left.

Monday, three PCVs came to help me re-arrange books in the library. The water had threatened to go out early in the day, but we finished our work and most of us showered after moving the dirty books—except for one who deferred. They did a great job and over-nighted with us.

Tuesday morning, we got up and had no water service. Well, we had running water of sorts—it was running out of the attic area onto our eating table. And the girls had all moved into the living room after hearing strange ‘animal noises’ in their bedroom ceiling. Yet, we had French toast, ‘bacon’, and coffee/tea for breakfast. Our filtration apparatus holds over four liters, so we have some margin; we also have some reserve in PC-issue containers. One of our guests wasn’t able to shower before she left. Bummer.

The next day, we had no water service, but Mo and I were both busy working on our projects. Late afternoon, I went for a run, and when I returned, I found Mo finishing washing a load of clothes. Obviously, we had water. So I joined her. Our wash tub is built-in, just outside the back door—cold water only, and about knee high. After washing the clothes, we do two rinses to get rid of the soap. Each piece is rinsed and then rung out and put aside for the next step. The water had been down so long that it was murky and tan. The second rinse wasn’t much better. It is back-breaking, time-consuming work. Finally, we hung the clothes on the line, sheets and shirts on the outside so that we could hide our sox and underwear on the inside, for propriety sake.

So the clothes were on the line over night and, typically, we had rain.

Thursday night, we had another spectacular lightning storm, so it was no surprise that when we got up Friday morning, we had no water, we had no power, and we had no internet service.

Saturday we slept in but were awakened by bright sun, and we had water, and we had power, and we had internet, and we were even able to Skype (Good to visit with you, Jim). A not unusual week here in the 1940s. Americans, count your blessings.

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